A small step is a beginning to all achievements.
We started our small step more than 30 years ago. Today, we have sound partners and relationships around the world. Building trust, community involvement, and credibility has been the key to our success.
Relationships lead to unknown opportunities. Little did we know when we took our first step in business that we would be a global company diversified in many activities!
Uncompromising Integrity, High Moral Values and hard work are the elements of our success!
We are here for you to provide programs that fit your requirements. We at Amplidyne and American Institute (AIDL) want to be there for you in your first small step to your life time achievements.
All people, companies, and educational institutions will benefit in many ways from our activities. We are positioned to be a major part of your success!
I welcome you to our website and look forward to providing our best attention and service to you at all times.
Adil Khan